Uphill Climb: The Women Who Conquered the Impossible Race

Bumps in the Roads

Episode Summary

The women who raced the Tour de France Féminin faced many obstacles including lack of equipment, bad food, and misogyny from the male Tour de France riders who didn’t believe women should be in their race. While the men had mechanics, extra bicycles and were paid for their efforts, the women were left to fend for themselves. Retired racer Janelle Parks Graham recounts the hurdles she faced as a woman cyclist, including having to sew her own jersey, to being served wild boar for dinner--quills and all.

Episode Notes

(04:41 ) Winning the National championship on bean burritos and no sleep

(08:05) Forced to make her own jersey because the team couldn't afford them 

(14:11) 14 people stuffed into a car and other hardships at the Tour de France Féminin

(18:13) Eating wild board with its quills as your post-race meal